Hi Again Friends!
Well, today, I met up with my Earthwatch Expedition Team in Monterey. We loaded into the Earthwatch van and headed north on Route 1 to the house we now share on Pajaro Dunes Beach. The house is a solar powered green home made from renewable materials. Daniela Maldini gave us a slide show about the California otter and then we took a tour of the beach and learned a bit about the formation of Monterey Bay, which is really two basins (north and south) separated by a canyon that runs as deep as the Grand Canyon in Arizona!
I am so happy that my WPPK friends are writing me to say hello and to ask questions! Thank you Emily, Blake, Christopher, and Janet! I cannot tell you how much fun it is to hear from you! Thank you, too, to Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Schutte for checking in and saying hi! Emily, I posted a few pictures of sea lions yesterday in this blog's Moss Landing and Marine Mammal photograph categories. I also added pictures of a sardine fishing boat docked in Moss Landing Harbor. I will be posting otter news almost every day now that I am a full-time Earthwatch Field Researcher!
I am so grateful to Earthwatch Institute, and to their generous sponsors, John P. and Jane K. Wilson, for making this exciting adventure a reality for me, and for all of you!
If you're interested in visiting Moss Landing and the marine mammals that call it home, I recommend that you stay at the Captain's Inn, located right on Elkhorn Slough. Their website is
www.captainsinn.com Melanie is the Innkeeper and also the Head of the local Chamber.
Until tomorrow,
Miss Clark
Original article can be found here: http://www.earthwatchkids.net/subBlog.asp?bID=131